Mood: Serene
Listening to: Kenshin's Theme
I have no idea why, but i've got a sudden attraction to Himura Battousai again. LOL. Anyway, let's do a chronology of the past week since i've not been frequently posting! : D
Had lit & eng paper, it was pretty okay. Not bad, i think i'll get an A2. Had tution, blah blah, that's it. nothing much =\
MATHS! : D Suprisingly it was fine, i think i'm gonna get a B3 for that. Hope so, it was okay. Paper 1 was a breeze, paper 2 was actually quite a moderate gale. Tough, but do-able. Had SS and Chem tution after that..Brain-sapping. ):
SS/SSH, i'm so happy. Easy easy easy all the way, everything i studied came out man. Housing, diplomacy, it was exellent!
Slacked, enjoyed home life : D
An exellent day, woke up late, went to Gerald's house to play guitar, Went to church. Met dexter and jerlyn, went over to meet Bernice, Liting and Samteo. Dexter was fascinated by the little amp i found that day..and being the person he is i think he couldnt resist playing : D lol! okay. Anyway, we went over to church, service was incredible. Again, God spoke into me and gave me help in the areas i was having trouble with. (Last week, i told clarence i felt directionless in church. This week, Pastor Lia spoke about opening our spiritual eyes, and prayed for ppl, and told us that God's going to give up a direction! lol!) God told me again that i was going to be his sheperd..and gave me visions again. I saw once again, myself on the worship stage, and leading a CG with Valerie, an old one that i had when pastor how was talking about dreams & visions. I also saw myself working alongside others..and what seemed like visions of others. Incredible (: After service, we ate at burger king. The CG was there, but Bernice and liting left, plus dex, clarence and mister calvin ong were back in church. They joined us later..when i finished eating around that time. Went back to church for a while since nobody was home, Played a bit of guitar and watched clarence play Rise of Nations on CO's computer. Couple of guys were fascinated by the amp once again, (Noel: IS THAT AN AMP? OH MY GOSH THAT'S SO CUTE!, Daniel the worship leader came to play for a while, plus some other guys while i was at the toilet. lol!) Anyway, I went back home, turned on the com, watched the ending of Rurouni Kenshin. Quite cool : D haha.
Tution with Mr Lee. Not bad..really funny though, with Wen Xian and Mariko : D Hahahah.
Okay i think i gotta stop here, i'm feeling tired. Blog later. Ciao guys.