/ 12/26/2006 09:59:00 PM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006


/ 12/26/2006 08:52:00 AM



Okay okay, so christmas service and everything was an explosive amazing freaking ball of everlasting incredible fantastic supercool intresting whooping wild booming GREAT WOOHOOHAHAWHATTHEHELLOMGIAMONFIRE time. Service was super, though i didnt bring any new friends. Feel so sian man..out og about 14 people i invited, 1 turned up. (joshua.)


okay. nevermind. Well..yesterday night was cool. had dinner with alot of people. Valerie, Julian, Dexter, Clarence, and alot of people. Stayed behind till eleven plus talking to people and watching junhao do his freaky-lame card tricks. SUPERCOOLCAN. *EXPLODE* okay okay okay okay. POST LATER becauseeeee


/ 12/22/2006 11:20:00 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006

Well, looking back at everything else..

Am i who i am supposed to be? I'm confused and saddened..sometimes i look in the mirror and wonder if i am who i am.

I don't know.

/ 12/22/2006 12:41:00 PM

Hey guys! Gonna post up some stuff i put on the d5 blog. Read it! :D



It's time for me to share some stuff i thought about when i was going back home from church! Okay..well, Pastor shared about Eligah and Elisha, And said that Elisha was willing to move with his master from place to place no matter what.

Gilgal -> Bethel -> Jericho -> Jordan

He followed him till god took him up to heaven. Well, in a way we can apply this to our spiritual life..

When we are saved, we're at gilgal. Jesus knows you and you know Jesus! When you're in Bethel you're in a higher state of knowing each other. When you're in Jericho you've moved on to active christian service on the frontline. When you're in Jordan, you're serving full time on the frontline like some of the staff and the pastors do (: But..it doesn't stop at Jordan. It goes on and on till we reach heaven, it's a staircase that never stops. Every level is better and better!

This is very similar to our earthly life now! It's all to do with sacrifice and effort to move to the next level.

Primary -(psle)> Secondary -(olevels)> Poly/Jc/ITE -(Alevels/major exams)> Uni -(major exams) -> WORK.

As you can see..every level we have to study real hard, and sometimes it takes alot alot alot of effort! In your education, the more effort you put in, the better results you get, and the more skills you have. The more skills and better results you have, the better jobs you can earn, and the more money you can make. In the spiritual sense, we can do the same. Put in effort to get to a higher level! Even if we don't see it, we're moving towards a better future in heaven (:

The most important thing is to put in effort for both. Although our spiritual life should be great, our earthly life should be great too!

Well, that's it. Hope you guys find it intresting (:




I was watching black hawk down and i'd like to share what i saw in the movie..it's very applicable to our christian lives.

This is a conversation between two people, Captain steele and a soldier named Ruiz. They just came back from the fighting in somalia, and Ruiz is injured.

Steele-Ruiz. Hey, Sarge, hey.


Steele-Lorenzo. How you doing?

Ruiz-It went in and out so the medic said I should be OK, couple of days. (Same medic who signalled to Steele that Ruiz was dying.)

Steele-That's great news.

Ruiz-We going after them.?

Steele-You bet your ass we will, we got to regroup.

Ruiz-Don't go out without me, don't go back out there without me. I can still do my job.

Steele-You get some rest now OK?

I'm so moved by what Ruiz said. Although Ruiz was injured, in pain, and really was beaten up, (if you don't believe me, watch the show. Ruiz looks like hell.) He said that he could still do his job and fight and protect the innocent and fight the opponents. Although he died later on, i think his devotion is incredible and his willpower is legendary. I'll explain later how we can apply this into our christian lives. Anyway, this is another converation between a Ranger (Eversmann) and a special ops soldier (Delta force, Hoot.) They just got back from the fighting in somalia and escaped barely, and Eversmann seems exhausted.

-Hoot is picking up equipment and gearing up for another battle, and eversmann's watching him-

Eversmann-You going back in?

Hoot-There's still men out there.

-long pause-

Damn! When I go home people are gonna ask me, they say, "Hey Hoot, why do you do it man? Why? You some kind of war junkie?

I won't say a damn word.


They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it.

They won't understand, it's about the men next to you. And that's it. That's all it is.

-Eversmann starts gearing up with hoot-

Hey don't even think about it, all right? I'm better on my own.

-hoot walks off to the battlefield with the rest. Suddenly, he turns back.-

Hey we started a whole new week. It's monday.

Well, i gotta say that hoot's determination and his concern for other soldiers is so great and so fantastic that he considers risking his own life to save other people's. It's a lesson we can learn! Ruiz is willing to go back into the field and help others although he's going to die and is in pain..and hoot is willing to go back at once and he's not deterred by eversmann's actions..he even cares for eversmann's life when he encourages him not to follow him back. He even looks on the bright side and gives an excuse as to why he's going out again. (Hey we started a whole new week. It's monday.) Well, these two men are a living example of generosity, courage and determination. We can use this in our own christian lives! For example, in the offering. Sometimes it really sucks, putting in your savings and feeling a stab of pain in the heart..(Crap. I can't buy food after this.) But i challenge you guys, come on, put in a big big christmas offering. If you've been putting in ten cents, try one dollar this time! If you've been putting in one dollar, go for two dollars, or three. If you've been putting in two or three dollars, come on! put in five dollars. If you've been putting in five dollars, come on! put in ten! Let's give our best to the lord in this festive season okay guys? Don't feel that stab of pain in your heart! Be brave, do something that you've never done before and give from the bottom of your wallet! People like Ruiz and Hoot are willing to give their lives for others..let's follow their generous and courageous character this christmas (:

Bill Loves D5

/ 12/15/2006 11:34:00 PM
Friday, December 15, 2006

Today i had sharing with clarence and joshua! Intresting insights, new revelations, new mindset..

Yesterday: Write for SPH
Today: Write for god.

My resolve and my aims have never been clearer.

/ 12/13/2006 10:28:00 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006


As you can see, i have new edits on my blog, let me explain to you the image and why i have this sudden change.

Christian theme-
I attend a church now.

The cross and the potrait of Jesus Christ are a significant symbol of christianity. I've specifically picked out and created images of these two symbols (including other images) and i've made them look rugged, torn and rough. This rugged feeling represents what pain, suffering and toil Jesus went through when he was forced to carry the cross, and when he took that journey to die for all our sins. The pattern above the potrait is in the shape of a phoenix. The phoenix represents rebirth and ressurection, which is what happened to Our Saviour after the three days. The words on the bottom, ressurection, is the title of the image. it is also blurred and whitened to show a sense of holiness, and to show that the lord is watching over us.

Overall, the image is there to remind us about the past, present, and future, and that the road of christian life is not easy, but it's worth every bit. This image is a tribute to our lord and saviour.

/ 12/08/2006 11:24:00 PM
Friday, December 08, 2006



/ 12/03/2006 12:21:00 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you
Okay. If you're wondering why i'm doing this super long post, i'm doing this cause i realised that for the past few months i've been posting nada on the things i've done. So i'll start blogging about the major events that have happened in my life so far since exams ended.
-rewind two months or so-
Well, exams were okay. Not so bad, not so good either. I was really suprised by my results because it was a cut above everything else i've done so far in school. Although i failed history and Amath (Miserably.) I got A2 and 20th postition in school for English, B3 and fourth in class for lit, an incredible 64 for chemistry and a mediocere but satisfing 45 for physics. The best thing about results was that I finally have a significantly greater amount of passes than failures, and i got into 4A2 which is supposed to be a good pure science class, Even though i came in 33/38th position in class and my L1R5 was like sht. So overall, results were pretty good. I'm glad i did kinda well for everything and i got more passes than failures and i got into a pure science class. So i'm gonna continue working hard in my strong and weak areas and for cca as well. After that whole episode with results, it was finally time to party. Pool, Swimming, Partying (non alcoholic) was really a major part of my social life. Of course, i still had tution with the usual people for usual subjects (math and sciences and arts.) Well, now pool's a big part of my sport and social stuff. Benjammin and gerald and mark are my pool buddies & bowling mates too. Yup. Every day..Tution, Pool, Lan, Go out, Relax, Exersise, Read, Msn. Everything was very, very very boring until one very fine day when i logged onto msn and talked to zhenghui.
-Forward to october 20-28th-
So i talked to zhenghui online after so long, and i decided to come to her church since she invited me there. Although it was quite warm and intresting, i still stood strong to my athiest-buddhist ways and i stood a stoned man while the other christians jumped and sang and went BOOM DA WEEE to the music. So anyway, the sermon was about evangelisim which was very very intresting cause i was a person who was very oppressed and unhappy about evangelisim. I had a list of questions to ask people at the end of the service..but after that whole evangelisim sermon i decided not to. What else? I suddenly went in flow with the music and stuff and started singing and dancing. The reason? no idea. It was fantastic. Well, on the next week (1 nov.) I went for a CG meeting which totally changed my life. Met new people and played games. After that whole thing the cg leader came to pray for me, and i was really suprised and taken aback and..amazed cause she just told me everything i've been looking for. I don't know how she knows my innermost motives but it just changed my life forever. My heart and my mind just whirled around and i just knew that what she said to me was so true.
"The beauty of him is that..we cannot fully understand him."
On the service next week, I accepted Jesus Christ.
-Forward 1 month or so.-
( Repost of events for you to read.)
So I went to youth camp! It was a really great exprience for me. Very powerful. These are my reflections on the youth camp, It's my personal thoughts,feelings, developments and inspirations. Personally,I thought the youth camp would be all fun, games, all that nonsense thatteenagers usually do such as sports and really funny games. I was instead,greeted by much more than i expected. The youth camp presented to me anamazing spectrum of incredible of things, ranging from the incredible andextremely impactful night services, to the fun stuff like the amazing race.I shall start my reflection on the sermons first.What i feel about the first sermon is that it reminds me of my place, who iam, what i should do, and what i am looking for in life. It's like areminder from god to remember my place and look back on what i've done. Thesermon told us to build our own altars for ourselves so in case a friend ora leader backslides, we will be still on fire for god and we will worshiphim no matter what. I intepret that as a reminder for me to be loyal. I cansee why this needs to be mentioned; Some youths in singapore have problemswith these sort of things. Take for instance, the everyday schoolchild.Although their main purpose in school is to study and learn, their toppriorities are replaced with entertainment and stress-relieving objects suchas the television and the personal computer. The child's mind slowly beginsto dislike school because they have to attend school every day and theywould rather spend time at home with entertainment all around them. The sameapplies for the everyday young & growing christian; Although our mainpriority is The Father, The Son, And The Holy Ghost, we seem to place thingssuch as friends, entertainment, sometimes even work and co-curricularactivites in front of him unconciously. Sometimes, these things even turnour minds against The Holy Trinity. Therefore this switching of prioritiesand wrong thinking results in backsliding, and there is an obvious risk of the backslider influencing the other members of the church who like to hangaround, admire, or look up to the person to backslide as well. So overall,the purpose of the sermon and it's main goal has persuaded me to make achange and reconfirm my actions in serving the Holy Trinity. I have decidedto make time for church and cancel out all other activities in the way.
I have also decided to make it a commitment to build my own altar and do theregular things a christian would do; Quiet time, Prayer, Meditation,Contemplation, Reading of the Holy Bible, and last but not least, Worship.This sermon has also inspired me to put the same thing in my co-curricularactivities, school, and in my daily life. In short: The sermon has taught meto build my own altar, and live my life being loyal to the things i havecome to admire and love no matter what others do, think, feel, or percieve.The second sermon has impacted me just as strongly. Pastor used the imageryof the surfing culture, and the waves as a comparison to what the church isabout to become and what the church is attempting to create in it's youths.It has really inspired me to do many things; Firstly to put faith in thethings i am not strong at. I admire the guy who came up to stage because hefelt like he was a good singer, but wasn't really good in controlling hisvoice. I salute him because he is not afraid to do the things he wants todo, although others may laugh at him. I also was inspired to put my faith inmy weaknesses by the masses who emerged from the audience on pastor's callto those who feel that they would like to be leaders in church. They are notafraid, and for that i really, truly admire their mindset and theirboldness. Secondly, It has inspired me to lead. I have done a terrible jobin leading people in school, and i will make an effort to do it again. Thistime however, i shall make a difference and really come into the lives ofthe juniors i will be teaching, inspire them, give them dreams, hopes andvisions, like Lynette has done, and so has the Pastors. I have been alsoinspired to serve in church. Although i fear that it will affect my studies,I have made a commitment to place god in front of everything, and i will trywith every fiber in my body to make time for that. Thirdly, It has inspired me to write for god. During prayer, god gave me a glimpse into the future. Ihad a vision of myself leading a group of not ten or twently, but a fewhundred of the new wave Pastor talked about. I saw myself speaking in frontof a crowd of people in the art gallery and i could see their faces, alllooking up to me and beaming, their minds riddled with the bullets ofinspiration and admiration, and above all, I could see thier souls burningbrighter for the glory of god. I also had another vision of myself inafrica, helping the people as a missionary. I helped this african lady andher family up, and i remember and i saw myself pressing the Holy bible and acrucifix necklace into her hands. All in all, these visions, inspirationsand dreams have impacted me deeply, and have made me move to a betterfuture.This is about all i have to say about the two sermons. I shall now elaboratemy feelings on the youth camp itself. The youth camp i have to say, haschanged my life. I have a new best friend Aaron Lee, (Lynette's request.) Ihave met new brothers and sisters in Christ, and have gotten to know eachand every one of them in different ways; personality, character, mindset,past, and present. I have also gained new skills and habits, as well aslearnt a few good lessons such as the importance of bathing, why we must dothings ourselves, and why wearing a singlet & shorts to sleep in an air conroom is nasal suicide. As for the activities, it was just pure fun. I had agreat time with the combined team, Vision 3:16 during the amazing racearound Singapore. I had fun making up the cheers and helping the team out,stealing people's flags and seeing people get splashed and get smeared withtoothpaste the last night of the camp. I would have to say that the camppassed by a little to fast and that it was a little tiring at times. Butstill, it as an exellent and enriching exprerience, and i loved it to thecore. I would like to say as well, i cannot wait for the next youth camp,and i would do anything in the world to be able to attend it.
- Forward one week-
Zone chalet! Fun fun fun. Okay, what happened so far. Went to church for a zone meeting. This time it was about servanthood and stuff. Nice one. Again, inspired greatly to serve God, Serve Leaders, and serve others. After that meeting i met up with tracy & denise and we went over to pasir ris. At first we were rushing cause yoyo said she'll kill us if we didnt reach by three. but oh well. we reached there in time and they were late. heehee. Anyway, we went over to the chalet and dumped our stuff there. Went to the other chalet and then went over to play games. (Actually, went over to supervise the games) They played caterpillar (moving with a line of people all the way to some point using butts as a form of propulsion) Longest line, (Use anything to form the longest line.) and other stuff..burying people! So at the end of the games we had to tie ourselves to someone in the group for the whole day. However, my partner (cash) had to go get his stuff at the other chalet and i escaped a free man. woohoo. Barbecue was nice, food was exellent.
Okay i have to go, have a competition tomorrow. Wish me luck. (:

/ 12/01/2006 11:58:00 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006

Hey guys!

I know i've not posted for so long but PLEASE be patient. I have hardly any time to do so since church is taking up a freaking, huge, holy part of my life. (That's a good thing by the way, and it's not and never gonna change ever so you're gonna see me post randomly from 3-5 days.) OKAY! see you.

Living to make His Name high!
"the peace of God that surpasses all understanding"
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