Practice E-maths to mastery, Especially weak topics.
Improve english and Litrature to A1 Level.
Buck up History and Social Studies, Study LORMS and attain at least level 7 answer.
Understand at least one chapter of A-maths.
Organise myself more often; Improve efficency.
Physics and Chemistry, Attain at least A2 Level, and keep at pure science level.
Hit B4-A2 for all subjects excluding A-maths the next 10 weeks.
Play less games, Design more.
Listen to more music artists; Namely bands which play Jazz, Pop, and Alternative Rock.
Stop listening to bands like 50Cent, Metallica, Children of Bodom and Pussycat Dolls.
Go cycling at east coast/Get a bike.
Spend more time with friends i have neglected, and those who i have spent time alrealdy.
Catch up on friends whom i have not spoken to for a long time.
Improve my social skills; get angry less, be less paranoid, understand feelings better.
Be nice to family whenever i can.
Lose weight, Bench press at least 20 kg at the end of the year, Do at least three pullups.
Go to the Gym and Swim more.
Explore other areas of lesiure, take up more martial arts, learn skills, and improve tai ji.
Improve ability to analyze music.
Revamp perception and artistic skills; Get a new angle on life and place it in art.
Play more songs.
Learn how to read notes and timing.
Remember chords better.
Research more into other artists- Steve Vai, Billy Preston, Ommar Libbert, Craig Chaquico.
Teach guitar to my friends.
Learn more tricks and techniques to improve playing.
Get into Ngee ann polytechnic, and study Mass Communication.
Study advanced design and art.
Study Music.
Go into University, (possible overseas?)
Understand the concept of Buddhisim, Christianity, and other religions.
Design part time.
Listen to all kinds of music artists, Jazz to rock, Old and New, Crap and Good ones.
Go on that europe/usa/africa backpacking thing with Gerald when i'm 21.
Be proeficent in all types of tai ji.
Spend time with all friends; Keep and treasure all friends from now to who knows when.
Improve social skills more.
Get a girlfriend.
Be proeficent in guitar, and have advanced knowledge on techniques.
Form a band with Farina, Gerald, Melvin and Fedrick.
Have the second level of the house to myself.